The Beauty of No

Jacqueline McCrearry
3 min readOct 12, 2021

Recently, I had a situation arise that warranted a relatively immediate response. I prayed about the situation. While I do have faith the outcome will work in my favor, there is always a matter of God’s timing. His timing is where I am typically left dangling.

I recalled the feeling I had when I prayed. It was a feeling of being suspended, in mid-air. I visualized myself being suspended between my prayer and the deliverance. It occurred to me that I was being suspended between my faith, the assurance of the outcome, and the deliverance of the outcome.

So, we have each prayed for something and awaited the answer with a sense of expectation.

What do you do when it seems to take forever and two Sundays?

At times, there is nothing you can do but wait. Other times, you may embark on a plan that seems feasible, in an attempt to bring it forth. This is known to some as, “faith in action.” Other times, you may find scripture to support your prayers as you seek assurance.

Not long ago, I had a most difficult time accepting God’s timing. I might also add that He was certainly not moved by my tears nor my fist-to-the-sky-pumping tantrums. Even as an adult, they were quite elaborate!

My tear-stained face bore no consequence to my efforts; however, God did enlighten me about His timing and His will. He holds a position of dominion, power and authority over all things. If I can believe that He Is the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe; that He Is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, that He Is righteous, and Holy, and is our Redeemer, Protector and Friend, then why can’t I believe that He is all good??? There is not a speck of bad in Him. He is totally in my favor. How can I lose??

If God has Dominion, Power and Authority over a situation, then I should have complete confidence in the outcome of the situation.

Once I learn to trust His goodness, because His goodness demonstrates that He knows the plans that He has for me; plans to prosper me, not to harm me; plans to bring me hope and a future; then I can also learn to trust His timing and His will.

Understand this: While it is said that all things are possible; it’s just that, not all things are beneficial; not all things are constructive and certainly, not all things are permissible. If we use this statement as a precursor, we gain a greater sense of confidence in whatever the outcome. You will begin to learn to trust the process.

With this understanding, we can trust that No is not such an ominous word. No may mean to pause, there is much more to be gained than you can possibly see. No may mean, not yet; I am not yet finished orchestrating things for your highest benefit. No may mean that He is protecting you from seen and unseen dangers. At times, No may mean, No. I love you, my child, and this is not my will for you — -trust that I have bigger and better plans for you, if you will only trust me. I AM in the NO. The kNOwledge of now.

As you dangle in suspension between your prayer and the answer, trust in the Beauty, if it is to be No.

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

